Friday, July 01, 2005

Emerging Technologies in Education

This article is all about teaching courses online and what is its importance to their education. The article gives thier Virtual Reality course an example to their online instruction. The strengths of their online instruction is the accessibility from far away locations, enhancing self-study and lessen transportation fees and time. However, they need to consider about their hardware and software specifications, expected to do large e-mail checking, and lack of personal contact. In conclusion, they are still continuing to teach their Virtual Reality courses online.

My personal forecast of the education 10 years from now will be more interactive and not always based on the tradition based education because new technology helps instructors deliver their lesson in a different way. I expect that modern education will be more holistic because the instructional technology will be more focused on applications of the theories learned in the classroom. I believe that the classroom will have more equipment inside, to aid teachers deliver their topics. Distance learning will be more prominent in educational institutions because clients may be come from a far away place. Web tools such as e-mail, blogs, discussion forums, chatting and other web-based tools will aid teachers and students alike, in instructional technology. Unfortunately, economy still dictates the final outcome of instructional technology in our country. My forecast is assumed to have the economy to be fixed so far...

The primary challenge to teachers and educators is their morale and their devotion to what their doing because teaching is a profession, not a job. However, due to lack of sufficient funds to pay teachers, their work output is affected; some teachers are just teaching because of money not because they really want to help other people. Second, as the result of the economy crisis, the materials and equipment used for instructional technology will be insufficient to all instructors in this country. Instructional Technology in this country will be affected due to the fiscal crisis; IT in this country will be far more be outdated than IT in other countries, especially in America and Europe... and the Middle East might be a promising place for this kind of technology. Instructional technology and the instructional tools for teachers is not really the problem in this country... it is just the economy.

Monday, May 30, 2005

John Baptist de La Salle

Saint John Baptist de La Salle is the founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, Patron of Christian Teachers. He had the first idea that all people should have access to education. Even though John the Baptist de La Salle had some bitter relationships with some members of the Church and even some bishops, he still continues to do his dream that all children will be given education. His style of education is featured instruction in the vernacular, students grouped according to ability and achievement, integration of religious instruction with secular subjects, well-prepared teachers with a sense of vocation and mission, and the involvement of parents.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


I expect that INTRIST will be fun and interesting because my past subjects are not even though they are the major courses in BS-CS.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Revenge of the Sith

George Lucas has once again released his masterpiece "Revenge of the Sith" as part of the Star Wars movies last May 19, 2005. The movie is in the third part of the Star Wars story however, it was the last released. The story was simply the end of the Confederacy of Independent Systems or more commonly known as the Seperatists lead by Nute Gunray, the Viceroy of the Trade Federation, Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus), Count of Serenno and a Sith Lord, and General Grievous of the Droid Army, and the rise of the Empire by Chancellor Palpatine. It was also revealed that Palpatine himself is the Dark Lord of the Sith assuming the name Darth Sidious who apprenticed Darth Maul and Darth Tyranus; but soon apprenticed Anakin Skywalker to become Darth Vader. It was also the end of the Jedi when the Emperor ordered the Great Jedi Purge, or commonly known as Order 66. However, I find the movie... "bitin".